ordering tsuba
Esther Pilkington (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder))
Leif Reader (Erich Kästner Schule Hamburg)
Ulrich Schötker (Erich Kästner Schule Hamburg)
Wibke Schrape (Sammlungsleiterin Ostasien, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg)
It was a pupil of the Erich-Kästner-Schule, who showed a particular liking for ordering things. Such an attitude is more than welcome in museums, especially when it comes to developing “other” orders – other orders than those museological standards with their Eurocentric frenzy of classification and evaluation. How best to classify the approximately 2000 Japanese sword’s hand guards (tsuba) in the MKG collection was always a problem. What could be more obvious than to let an attentive pupil with samurai inclinations loose on the small metal discs?