Farmsen Fashion Week

Anne Schwätzler (hui-hui fashion), Maren Wächter, Malin Berger, Nadine Bozyakali, Ulrich Schötker (alle: Erich-Kästner-Schule), Katharina Oberlik (ghettoakademie)
Workshops: Anne Schwätzler (hui-hui fashion), Sarah Amah Duah, Bisrat Negassi (Negassi / M.bassy), Tamari Nikoleishvili (penelope’s sphere), Katharina Trudzinski
Music: Fion Pellacini
Video/Photos: Tim Kaiser (
Every year, around 100 students from the Erich Kästner School (EKS) present their own creations at the in-house “Farmsen Fashion Week”. From the neckline to the hem – everything is designed and tailored by the pupils themselves. “Mobile Welten” didn’t want to be left without its own fashion department and asked the EKS Fashion Department whether the pupils would be interested in working together. Fortunately, the interest was huge, and the designer Anne Schwätzler could organize a “fashion school” with the pupils, addressing the “migration of forms and patterns”. Schwätzler was supported by Tamari Nikoleishvili, Katharina Trudzinski, Bisrat Negassi and Sarah Amah Duah. The workshops of the “fashion school” inspired a new EKS collection, which was presented at both MKG and EKS in 2017.
Video © Tim Kaiser, music: Fion Pellacini
The workshops were conceived and led by designers Anne Schwätzler, Tamari Nikoleishvili, Katharina Trudzinski, Bisrat Negassi und Sarah Amah Duah.. They form the basis for developing a new EKS collection shown at both the MKG and the EKS in 2017.
Performer Katharina Oberlik also worked with students to develop a choreography that had less to do with the “perfect catwalk” than with questions as to how to position yourself in relation to spaces—especially if you are wearing something kind of funny-looking.